
Important Announcement


Dear Parent/Carer,

It is with great sadness that I need to inform you that, this morning, we had to share with our students the news of the sudden death of Kieran Duffy, a student in Year 9. We have gathered all students together in year groups to share this news and to take the opportunity to pray together as a faith community.

Kieran had been ill in hospital for a short time and sadly died there in the early hours of this morning.

Kieran was an extremely popular and well-loved member of our school community and all who knew him will miss him terribly.

When someone dies, it is normal for their friends and family to experience lots of different feelings like sadness, anger and confusion.  We have and will continue to offer appropriate support in school for any students affected by this tragic situation.  If there is anything further that you or your child(ren) need, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our chaplain Hazel has been in school and will continue to offer spiritual support to children, families and staff.  Mgr Summersgill will be leading a voluntary assembly in the morning for any students who wish to gather together in prayer.

We will continue to remember Kieran and all the bereaved in our thoughts and prayers.

Yours sincerely

M Hings
