Attendance and Holidays
Research shows a strong correlation between achieving a higher grade and high attendance.
Attendance below 85% usually equates to a drop in the achievement of 1 grade.
Holy Family School has a statutory duty under the Health and Safety Work Act 1974, to ensure the health and safety of all children and youths whilst they are in our care. With this in mind, attendance is extremely important to us. Even though students in the 6th form are young adults, this statement applies to them also. We encourage home/school communication and when timetabled to be in school, we need to know the whereabouts of our students at all times. Students are required to be in the school building throughout the school day, except for the following times:
Lunchtime 1.15-1.55-Lesson starts at 2 pm
No timetabled lesson period 5 – students may leave at lunchtime (1.15pm)
University Visits
Work Experience
Both Year 12/13 students must register in person with his/her tutor at 8.40 each morning. Attendance will also be electronically recorded at every lesson, including LRC lessons and cover lessons.
Students are expected to have a 96% minimum attendance.
Texts are sent to parents/carers on a daily basis if tutor time/lessons are missed. If deemed necessary a telephone call to parent/carers may be required.
Attendance/Punctuality to tutor time is monitored every week. If a student is late twice in one week a letter will be sent home to parents. Support will then be put in place to enable the success of students.
Students will receive a full attendance report along with their data collection three times in the academic year. Any students whose attendance/punctuality is deemed unacceptable will result in their parents/carer being contacted.
If a student has a genuine reason for absence parents/carers must inform the Attendance Officer, Mrs L Laughlin, before 8:30 am by either telephone or email on each day of absence. Unexplained absence will generate a text home.
Students may be asked to provide medical evidence in certain circumstances.
Students will be asked to provide evidence of appointments.
Non-emergency dental/doctors/eye appointments and driving lessons should not be arranged during the school day.
Students who have been absent must ensure that all missed work is followed up and liaise with subject teachers.
Students must not arrange holidays during the term time. Such absences will be treated as unauthorised. It is important to note that most references for employment/higher education require data about attendance and punctuality. It is therefore essential to maintain an excellent attendance record that we may refer to upon any requests for a reference on your behalf.
Attendance Officer – Mrs Maria Laughlin
Tel: 01535201212