Exam Access Arrangements

Examination Access Arrangements & Reasonable Adjustments


Reasonable Adjustments

The Equality Act 2010* requires an awarding body to make reasonable adjustments where a candidate, who is disabled within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010, would be at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to someone who is not disabled. The awarding body is required to take reasonable steps to overcome that disadvantage. An example would be a Braille paper which would be a reasonable adjustment for a vision impaired candidate who could read Braille. A reasonable adjustment may be unique to that individual and may not be included in the list of available access arrangements. (JCQ)

Identification & Processing

Students may be identified through whole school screening or by their class teachers.

Assessments take place within school. Students are assessed to make sure that their needs are appropriately identified. This is done by a specialist teacher.  A detailed picture of need is gathered and appropriate paperwork is completed. This is then processed with the JCQ.

If you feel your son or daughter requires examination access arrangements please contact the Progress Leader, Examinations Officer or Senco (thebridgeoffice@holyfamilyschool.uk).