KS3 Music
Course Introduction
Music is a universal language which allows students to be highly creative. Students are introduced to various forms and genres of Music encompassing and developing listening, performing and composing skills.
As students’ progress they should develop a critical engagement of Music allowing them to compose, perform and listen to a variety of music from an eclectic range of styles.
Students are expected to try and develop their vocal and/or instrumental fluency, accuracy and expressiveness and understand musical structures, styles, genres, traditions and characteristics. Students are also expected to develop critical analysis skills which will allow them to analyse the work of their own and that of others.
Student Objectives
- To gain a confidence in playing and performing confidently both as individuals and as a group.
- To develop musical technology skills for the purpose of composing and performing.
- To develop an understanding of how to improvise and compose music drawing on an understanding of the characteristics from various or specific styles or genres of music.
- To develop listening skills to a point which allows students’ to critically analyse music from an elements of music point of view.
- To create a lasting enjoyment of Music and/or Music Technology.
Course Content
Year 7
Topic 1 – Rhythmic Notation
Topic 2 – Score Notation
Topic 3 – Remix
Topic 4 – Podcasting
Year 8
Topic 1 – Musical Theatre
Topic 2 – Blues Music 1
Topic 3 – Blues Music 2
Topic 4 – Film Music
Year 9
Topic 1 – Pop Music
Topic 2 – Rap
Topic 3 – World Music – African
Topic 4 – World Music – Indian
Students assessed again the school’s AWL system at the end of each topic. Feedback is given verbally, consistently in each lesson from both teacher and peers which allows for self-reflection and setting of targets which roll over into each lesson. Students also complete a written self-assessment in week 4 and week 7 of their carousel rotation in Music and respond to teacher feedback in line with the school’s feedback policy.
What KS3 Drama leads to in KS4
GCSE Music – This course gives students a chance to extend their learning and skills within Music. We follow the AQA specification and this allows students to compose two pieces of music of a certain length; one of which is a free style of their choice, the other following a stimuli set by the exam board. It also allows them to broaden their musical knowledge and develop their understanding of musical theory enabling them to listen to and analyse an eclectic range of music as well as being able to appraise their own work. This course also allows them to perform two pieces of music using an instrument of their choice showcasing both solo and ensemble skills.