
Pope Benedict XVI


This week the school will be reflecting on the life of Pope Benedict XVI, who passed away on 31st December 2022 and whose funeral took place on 5th January 2023.


In this week’s Virtue Education session, held in form time, all students across KS3 and KS4 will learn about his life and his contribution to the church and to the papacy. Students will be rewarded on Class Charts for demonstrating the virtue of reflection in this session and in any other way this week.


A prayer for the soul of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI:

Father, eternal shepherd, hear the prayers for your servant Benedict, who governed your Church with love. In your mercy, bring him with the flock once entrusted to his care to the reward you have promised your faithful servants. In your wise and loving care, you made your servant teacher of all your Church. He did the work of Christ on earth.

May your son welcome him into eternal glory.
