Student Agreement

Holy Family 6th – Live, Love, Learn

Student agreement

I understand that to enrol as a student at Holy Family 6th I agree        

  • to attend school from 8.40am until 2.50pm unless I earn the privilege to sign out.
  • to attend PSHE sessions and assembly every week.
  • to complete The Progression Module in Year 12.
  • to dress in an appropriate manner for school and learning (shorts must be at knee length, leggings must not be see-through and clothing not revealing, outdoor coats off in the classroom).
  • to be a good role model for lower school when conducting myself around school including the canteen.
  • to look after the LRC and respect our social spaces.
  • to ensure that I model quiet, studious behaviour when working in the LRC.
  • to demonstrate a full commitment to my learning by using Class Charts daily, meeting homework and assessment deadlines.
  • to attend ALL compulsory timetabled study periods in the LRC
  • to only use my mobile phone in the LRC following the Digital Usage Agreement.
  • to wear my ID badge and lanyard every day.
  • to ask a parent/guardian to telephone school before 8.30am on either: 01535 210212 ex 097 to inform the 6th Form if I will be absent from school.

I understand that my place in the 6th form is only guaranteed if I meet these requirements and failure could result in sanctions.

To be reviewed on the 25th October 2024