Tutorial Punctuality and Attendance

Tutorial Punctuality and Lesson Attendance

Every Friday we look at punctuality and attendance, the information below details how we calculate lesson attendance by week and overtime.


In one week                                    Number of missed lessons

97% attendance                    1 missed lesson (1 hour of work)

95% attendance                       2 missed lessons (2 hours of work)

90% attendance                       3 missed lessons (3 hours of work)

85% attendance                       4 missed lessons (4 hours of work)

80% attendance                       5 missed lessons (5 hours of work)

75% attendance                        7 missed lessons (7 hours of work)


It is imperative that you the student understand the importance of full attendance in school and attend school and all your lessons on time.

If you have an appointment (for the dentist etc) that cannot be changed, then there is a process to follow, which will allow teachers to provide you with the work you have missed. Neglecting to follow this procedure will result in an unauthorised absence. Students must collect a planned absence form from Mrs Laughlin which will be signed by your subject teachers and tutor. Where possible, all appointments must be made outside of school time.

Permission must be given by the Director of the 6th Form, for any holidays within school term.

If you are ill, then an e-mail or telephone call from Parents/Guardian must be received before the start of the school day, if possible, giving notification of the length of the absence.

Help yourself

  • Be aware of your attendance and punctuality
  • Aim for 100% attendance for each week
  • Monitor your attendance in each subject area, through weekly publications of attendance data and record these in your planner at data collections.
  • Make sure that if absent, your parents/guardian telephone the office/e-mail before 9am to inform us
  • Get to Tutor time by 8.35am at the latest each morning.