Year 11 Personal Careers Guidance

Year 11 Personal Careers Guidance


In this academic year 202 / 2022 the Holy Family school will continue to offer personal careers guidance to all Y11 students, as part of the statutory Gatsby Benchmarks. This is taking place in a number of ways.

  • The appointment of a career guidance advisor part time (Mrs Karen Hodgson)
  • Access to Start Profile online in school and at home
  • Labour market information in assemblies
  • Lunchtime drop in careers advice
  • Information about local colleges
  • Information about apprenticeships
  • A personal interview with an impartial, external Careers advisor from Aspire –igen / Shine

Mr Philip Cowen


Personal guidance


  • Every student should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a Careers Adviser, who could be internal (a member of school staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level. These should be available whenever significant study or career choices are being made. They should be expected for all pupils but should be timed to meet their individual needs.
  • Every student should have at least one such interview by the age of 16, and the opportunity for a further interview by the age of 18.


  • Career conversations are an ongoing part of a student’s school experience and personal guidance is an integrated part of the overall careers programme.
  • The school offers personalised support tailored to students’ needs and abilities. The advice is impartial and always in the best interests of the young person. It has an observable impact on their career and progression.
  • The personal guidance on careers is closely integrated with the wider pastoral and student support system in the school. Senior staff, including the headteacher, heads of year, personal tutors, form teachers and learning support staff, consider students’ career development as an integral part of their overall personal, social and educational development. Communication between staff is good and underpinned by effective information-sharing and record-keeping. Specialist inputs by career advisers are valued and acted upon.
  • Career advisers work closely with staff to deliver a range of individual support to students, including:
  • one-to-one guidance at crucial points of decisionmaking, including year 8 and 9 option choice and choosing pathways for post-16 and post-18 – this guidance offers students in-depth support to interpret information and apply it to their own situation
  • group work sessions on particular topics, such as apprenticeships, labour market trends or employability skills
  • advice to parents and students at careers fairs and parents’ evenings
  • advertised drop-in sessions for students at lunchtimes and other times during the week

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